Monday, July 8, 2013

Most Popular Indigo Children's Books

The term "Indigo Child" comes from psychic and author Nancy Ann Tappe, who was an aura reader. She is the author of the first indigo children's book, which was published in 1982 and called "Understanding Your Life Through Color." She essentially classified people's personalities according to their auras and was the first to mention the presence of indigo auras among us.

Tappe always claimed that the majority of Indigo children began to appear on earth after 1970 and their numbers are growing every day. She also claims that aside from having the distinctive purple/blue auras, these children also have a few physical characteristics, including very large, clear eyes. She also said they would be known for their long memories and ability to retain a lot of detail. Their purpose on earth here is apparently to build a future bridge from the past, so that mankind can eventually prevented from destroying itself.

The 1998 book, All About Indigo Children, later popularized the idea of Indigo children: The New Kids Have Arrived, written by the Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. This husband and wife pair of channelers contact a "master angelic energy" called Kryon. In this book, they note that the shift from multi-colored auras to the inky colored auras of the Indigo children are coming.

Doreen Virtue has also written a book about Indigo Children only she has branded them as Crystal Children. The book "The Crystal Children" was also paired with another best selling paper back called "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children." These books are based on the premise brought up by Tappe, which is that 95% of the souls being born on earth today are these Indigo children.

There have also been some books written about the difficult indigo child character traits, such as aggression, rebelliousness, and defiance. The book is written by Dianne Lancaster and is called "Dealing With Indigo Rage."

There are also many books for Indigo Adults, as that is exactly what the indigo kids born in the seventies and eighties have become. They have their own sets of problems, because they did not navigate their way through the educational system so well as there are no schools for indigo children. Many of them were seen as disruptive and medicated. Many have personality disorders as a result and are very angry. A good book to read on this subject is "Anger and the Indigo Child," which discusses ways of coping for both sensitive adult and child Indigos.

Another good book on this subject is by Barbara Cordon and is called "How to Raise an Indigo Child: 10 Keys For Cultivating a Child's Natural Brilliance." This book helps you avoid some of the dysfunction that can be part of trying to raise a gifted Indigo individual. The idea is to teach them how to manage their gifts, so others will accept them and that they can reach their full potential in society.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

What Are Indigo Children Characteristics?

Indigo children are also known as indigo crystal children or blue children, and they have a number of characteristics that set them a little bit apart from the crowd. For the most part, an indigo kid tends to have traits that are quite similar to children who have ADD or ADHD. In fact, the rise of cases in Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder are accounted for as being the greater numbers of Indigo children born on earth.

For the most part, indigo children are identified by a channeled or a psychic who can see auras and identify them as having the distinctive deep inky purple twilight colored aura. These creatures are the beginnings of an evolution towards a more sophisticated race of humans that can communicate telepathically with each other. In theory, they are here to save the world from what civilization has wrought and we are supposed to protect them from harm.

Otherwise, indigo children's characteristics include such traits as high sensitivity, high irritability, and compulsions that are difficult for other people to understand. These children may also be highly obsessive and over focused on details.

They tend to have all of the indigo crystal children traits that mimic ADD, including the distractibility component. The child may not be able to focus on just one thing and get frustrated fast. If not, left to follow his or own plan for the day, the strong willed indigo kid then becomes disruptive to a class.


Most prominent among the indigo children traits is the feeling that the child is somehow "trapped in visual" space and more oriented towards television screens and geometry than they are towards the written word.

There are no schools for indigo children, so they may not thrive in an educational environment and get low grades even though their parents may suspect that they are actually very smart. Most parents don't ever even start to diagnose their children as being indigo kids until they take an indigo children quiz or watch indigo children movies. Navigating any educational system with an indigo kid can be frustrating, especially if the kid is a little psychic and "seeing things." It may sometimes be hard to convince educational experts that your child does not belong in a special needs school.

If you have ever asked yourself "am I an indigo child," it is not likely if you are born before 1970, although a few indigo individuals may have been born in the sixties. These people for the most part were never recognized as blue children and a consequence led difficult lives where they were ahead of their time and misunderstood.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Indigo Children and Beyond

Up until recently in our evolution, the human race as a species has undergone a long period of searching for spirituality outside of it's self. Much of the ancient knowledge of the individual's connection with the divine has disappeared with the advent of the Newtonian model of physics. The human quest for control and the separation created by things like religion, sex, race and language has deactivated an entire portion of our DNA. Even while reading this, if you are a person who has grown up under the "modern" model of physics and medicine, the idea of DNA having anything to do with spirit, much less being inter-dimensional in nature will most likely be a concept that you do not fully accept. But this is not only the truth of DNA it is one of the major discoveries about DNA that science has neither explained nor explored yet. This "non use" caused the biological structure of many humans to change dramatically and subsequently the generations born to them to retain that biological change. Humans were no longer focused on their mind-body-spirit connection and so, the physical manifestations (much of them chemical) of that connection atrophied. As a result many people of earth have to work to consciously access this connection and re-activate that unused portion of their DNA. All of this is about to change. In fact it has been in the process for changing for quite some time now.

We are in the midst of an evolutionary change. This evolutionary change is being led by the children of this "new age". More and more, children are coming into this physical reality retaining the conscious knowledge of whom and what they are, knowing why they are here and with more and more of their inter-dimensional DNA potential activated. These children have an actual biological system connection to the divine. By now, you may have heard the "buzz" surrounding the first of these new humans called "indigo children". Though Indigo children have been trickling in here and there since the 1950's, they did not register on society's radar until the 1970's. The first large wave of this variation in human form came about in the 1980's. Many of these children chose to come in to the physical existence at this time through parents who participated in the 1960's shift in consciousness. Indigo children are the "warriors" and "trailblazers" of the new age. They are the bridge to the next level of humanity. Indigo children carry a new energetic vibration which has begun to transform humanity. For the indigo children, the door to universal consciousness is always open and accessible. They, along with the subsequent variations to come after them, are changing human consciousness. Indigo children began to catch attention because their strong biological connection to "spirit" along with the fact that they have no knowledge (or care) of what is and isn't "possible" made it so that they could not fit into the current structure of society. There is no limit to their comprehension and they could not be made to conform. They did not come in looking to absorb the current beliefs of humanity; they came to build new belief for themselves and for man kind. Because of their intense spirit connection and intentions, Indigo children have come into this life with what seemed to many like supernatural abilities ranging all the way from strong intuition to full blown extrasensory capabilities. Indigo children, though physical in form, have an ethereal quality to them. The fact that these children have no concept of what is or is not impossible, means that they will lead us beyond the limits of what we believe to be possible and to break down the old patterns and barriers that have been present in society.


Because they are here for the purpose of facilitating change, they have also garnered much attention over the years for being incredibly difficult children to raise. Indigo children (like successive new age children) do not turn to adults for answers. They would rather find the answers within themselves and learn "the hard way". Many adults will expect respect from an indigo based on age and life experience but age is not a qualification for anything in the mind of an indigo. They have great problems with authority because they do not think that the world is the way it should be and so they do not listen to the advice of people who have participated in making the world the way that it is. They are non conformists to the extreme, but not for the sake of personal expression or fun, rather for the aim of altering this world's vision. They (unlike the successive peaceful, loving new age children) have the "warrior" energy of a person coming into life with the express intention of destroying beliefs and systems which they do not think serve humanity. They come in with the idea that many will be against them, but the will to succeed in bringing down any aspect of society that is archaic and limiting. Any one who values conformity or obedience will misunderstand and butt heads the indigo. Indigo children do not respond normally to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is exactly what they expected to be met with before coming into life and so... disciplinary action is faced by an indigo child, like battle. They often have easy tempers and so any attempt to get them to abide by limits will most likely be met with this temper and be treated like combat. However, unlike what you would typically expect from a person with warrior type energy, they have very sensitive systems. Because their senses are taking in much more stimulus than the average person's they have a lower resiliency to certain foods and environments. Making them seem high maintenance. The indigo child will never try to join a group. Instead, they will isolate themselves until they find a kindred spirit. Sadly, many of the first waves of indigo children due to their various abnormal behaviors have wound up being labeled as mentally ill and therefore been medicated and influenced out of their amazing gifts. The struggle they have faced in coming in to shift society to such an extreme degree often makes their life circumstances so difficult that unfortunately, the suicide rate for indigo children in their adolescence and even adulthood is very high. These children are called indigo children because the new vibration that they carry moves in such a way that the light distribution versus the wavelength of this energy makes it so that the human eye perceives the electromagnetic spectrum of that energy at between 420 nanometers and 450 nanometers in wavelength, in other words... the color we call "indigo".

Now, that the Indigo children have paved the way, children with even newer, advanced energetic vibrations have come in and continue to come in. They are still very young, and so we have not felt the full force of their purpose coming to fruition. You may hear them being called "crystal" children and "rainbow" children and "blue star" children. Though they share the commonality with indigo children that they are very empathic, hypersensitive, profound, intuitive and extrasensory, they differ in that they bring the energetic vibration of peace and even the energy of divine love and unity. Their auras are very different because of this new vibration. Their auras, instead of taking on their own individual color, tend to be prismatic either appearing like a clear, reflective light field that takes on the colors around it. Or like the aura it's self already contains all colors within the color spectrum (much like a rainbow effect). These children are connected, very sensitive, communicative and compassionate. Many of them have incredible abilities to heal others.

Many of these new age children however, do not immediately possess the current social skills that are expected within society because these behaviors go against their over all goal. Therefore, many diagnoses including the autism diagnosis will rise dramatically with the introduction of these new children. They are here to assist the world as we evolve into a higher vibration where love and empathy become the norm rather than the exception. They are highly enlightened children who understand the ultimate truth that there is no difference between that which is human/animal/ plant/mineral and that in truth, all are one. The social systems surrounding these children must be those which help them towards evolution instead of education. They will not respond well to harshness. Whether that harshness comes from things like loud noise, cruelty, anger, temperature extremes or unhealthy foods, they will respond to all of this by withdrawing into themselves and some may quickly develop illness because of this.

These children are born with expanded abilities as well as more of their DNA active and so they present an amazing new opportunity for the rest of society to evolve. Often, out of habit society does not embrace the new vibrations which successive generations bring to earth. Therefore, many people are not personally able to experience their vision or reach beyond what is currently thought to be possible within their lifetime. But if we stop trying to make them "fit the current mode and model" of behavior within society and instead embrace this new energy they bring, allowing it to transform us, they will guide us into the new advancement of our society, species and world.

INDIGO CHILDREN BOOK  (available on all mobile devices)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Free intuitive reading for your children

The great 2012 shift is near and many coincidences are happening to people that is hard to explain. Ancient spirits are waking up and trying to get your attention from within. The restart of earth is at hand and YOU may have been chosen to step up by unlocking your abilities.

Are you starting to remember things from long? Are you having strange dreams often? Are you starting to predict the future only 2 days away? Do your children act a bit more enlightened then normal children? Then you (or your child) may be a chosen spirit to save this world.

Many things are starting to happen to people that may be very confusing. But the answers are right in front of you. And I am here to help you see. What is this "Shift" people keep talking about? Come on in and see what it is all about.

If you would like a free reading, please like my Facebook page: Intuitive Readings for the 2012 Shift

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Indigo Children and Beyond

Up until recently in our evolution, the human race as a species has undergone a long period of searching for spirituality outside of it's self. Much of the ancient knowledge of the individual's connection with the divine has disappeared with the advent of the Newtonian model of physics. The human quest for control and the separation created by things like religion, sex, race and language has deactivated an entire portion of our DNA. Even while reading this, if you are a person who has grown up under the "modern" model of physics and medicine, the idea of DNA having anything to do with spirit, much less being inter-dimensional in nature will most likely be a concept that you do not fully accept. But this is not only the truth of DNA it is one of the major discoveries about DNA that science has neither explained nor explored yet. This "non use" caused the biological structure of many humans to change dramatically and subsequently the generations born to them to retain that biological change. Humans were no longer focused on their mind-body-spirit connection and so, the physical manifestations (much of them chemical) of that connection atrophied. As a result many people of earth have to work to consciously access this connection and re-activate that unused portion of their DNA. All of this is about to change. In fact it has been in the process for changing for quite some time now.

We are in the midst of an evolutionary change. This evolutionary change is being led by the children of this "new age". More and more, children are coming into this physical reality retaining the conscious knowledge of whom and what they are, knowing why they are here and with more and more of their inter-dimensional DNA potential activated. These children have an actual biological system connection to the divine. By now, you may have heard the "buzz" surrounding the first of these new humans called "indigo children". Though Indigo children have been trickling in here and there since the 1950's, they did not register on society's radar until the 1970's. The first large wave of this variation in human form came about in the 1980's. Many of these children chose to come in to the physical existence at this time through parents who participated in the 1960's shift in consciousness. Indigo children are the "warriors" and "trailblazers" of the new age. They are the bridge to the next level of humanity. Indigo children carry a new energetic vibration which has begun to transform humanity. For the indigo children, the door to universal consciousness is always open and accessible. They, along with the subsequent variations to come after them, are changing human consciousness. Indigo children began to catch attention because their strong biological connection to "spirit" along with the fact that they have no knowledge (or care) of what is and isn't "possible" made it so that they could not fit into the current structure of society. There is no limit to their comprehension and they could not be made to conform. They did not come in looking to absorb the current beliefs of humanity; they came to build new belief for themselves and for man kind. Because of their intense spirit connection and intentions, Indigo children have come into this life with what seemed to many like supernatural abilities ranging all the way from strong intuition to full blown extrasensory capabilities. Indigo children, though physical in form, have an ethereal quality to them. The fact that these children have no concept of what is or is not impossible, means that they will lead us beyond the limits of what we believe to be possible and to break down the old patterns and barriers that have been present in society. Because they are here for the purpose of facilitating change, they have also garnered much attention over the years for being incredibly difficult children to raise. Indigo children (like successive new age children) do not turn to adults for answers. They would rather find the answers within themselves and learn "the hard way". Many adults will expect respect from an indigo based on age and life experience but age is not a qualification for anything in the mind of an indigo. They have great problems with authority because they do not think that the world is the way it should be and so they do not listen to the advice of people who have participated in making the world the way that it is. They are non conformists to the extreme, but not for the sake of personal expression or fun, rather for the aim of altering this world's vision. They (unlike the successive peaceful, loving new age children) have the "warrior" energy of a person coming into life with the express intention of destroying beliefs and systems which they do not think serve humanity. They come in with the idea that many will be against them, but the will to succeed in bringing down any aspect of society that is archaic and limiting. Any one who values conformity or obedience will misunderstand and butt heads the indigo. Indigo children do not respond normally to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is exactly what they expected to be met with before coming into life and so... disciplinary action is faced by an indigo child, like battle. They often have easy tempers and so any attempt to get them to abide by limits will most likely be met with this temper and be treated like combat. However, unlike what you would typically expect from a person with warrior type energy, they have very sensitive systems. Because their senses are taking in much more stimulus than the average person's they have a lower resiliency to certain foods and environments. Making them seem high maintenance. The indigo child will never try to join a group. Instead, they will isolate themselves until they find a kindred spirit. Sadly, many of the first waves of indigo children due to their various abnormal behaviors have wound up being labeled as mentally ill and therefore been medicated and influenced out of their amazing gifts. The struggle they have faced in coming in to shift society to such an extreme degree often makes their life circumstances so difficult that unfortunately, the suicide rate for indigo children in their adolescence and even adulthood is very high. These children are called indigo children because the new vibration that they carry moves in such a way that the light distribution versus the wavelength of this energy makes it so that the human eye perceives the electromagnetic spectrum of that energy at between 420 nanometers and 450 nanometers in wavelength, in other words... the color we call "indigo".

Now, that the Indigo children have paved the way, children with even newer, advanced energetic vibrations have come in and continue to come in. They are still very young, and so we have not felt the full force of their purpose coming to fruition. You may hear them being called "crystal" children and "rainbow" children and "blue star" children. Though they share the commonality with indigo children that they are very empathic, hypersensitive, profound, intuitive and extrasensory, they differ in that they bring the energetic vibration of peace and even the energy of divine love and unity. Their auras are very different because of this new vibration. Their auras, instead of taking on their own individual color, tend to be prismatic either appearing like a clear, reflective light field that takes on the colors around it. Or like the aura it's self already contains all colors within the color spectrum (much like a rainbow effect). These children are connected, very sensitive, communicative and compassionate. Many of them have incredible abilities to heal others.

Many of these new age children however, do not immediately possess the current social skills that are expected within society because these behaviors go against their over all goal. Therefore, many diagnoses including the autism diagnosis will rise dramatically with the introduction of these new children. They are here to assist the world as we evolve into a higher vibration where love and empathy become the norm rather than the exception. They are highly enlightened children who understand the ultimate truth that there is no difference between that which is human/animal/ plant/mineral and that in truth, all are one. The social systems surrounding these children must be those which help them towards evolution instead of education. They will not respond well to harshness. Whether that harshness comes from things like loud noise, cruelty, anger, temperature extremes or unhealthy foods, they will respond to all of this by withdrawing into themselves and some may quickly develop illness because of this.

These children are born with expanded abilities as well as more of their DNA active and so they present an amazing new opportunity for the rest of society to evolve. Often, out of habit society does not embrace the new vibrations which successive generations bring to earth. Therefore, many people are not personally able to experience their vision or reach beyond what is currently thought to be possible within their lifetime. But if we stop trying to make them "fit the current mode and model" of behavior within society and instead embrace this new energy they bring, allowing it to transform us, they will guide us into the new advancement of our society, species and world.

Learn all about Indigo Children along with the different types of Star Children with the book: "All About Indigo Children"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Indigo Children- Emerging Trend or New Age Myth

The term, 'Indigo children' refers to a popular belief within the New Age community that most of the children being born today are part of a new stage in human evolution, and that they posses certain specific traits designed to help them deal with the challenges humanity will face in coming generations. Proponents of this theory believe that many of the children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD are actually part of this new generation, and that their education and care needs to be handled in a certain way so that they can manifest their gifts to their highest potential.

According to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, editors of the first major book on the subject, the following is a list of common traits of Indigo children:

- They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

- They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

- Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."

- They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

- They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.

- They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

- They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).

- They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

- They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").

- They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

First the skeptical view. As many have noted, this list is general enough to apply to almost any child, at least some of the time, so doesn't really seem to indicate a new stage in evolution. And additional questions arise from the fact that many proponents of the theory think at least 90% of children born in recent years are Indigo children. If that is the case, what are they being compared to? When are they not around their 'own kind'? And, even allowing that this generation exhibits some specific traits, where is the proof that this is part of a new incarnational cycle? Who says it is not the result of sociological shifts in the ways kids are raised, or television, or the foods they are eating (or not eating), or any number of other factors that are different from when their parents (like me) were born?

On the supporter side, the Indigo Children theory is primarily put forth by intuitives, astrologers, and others working in the area of consciousness and energy healing. However, many experienced childcare workers, social workers, and teachers say they also recognize these trends, and have come to believe in the Indigo Child theory to some extent, even those that do not subscribe to other New Age beliefs. Part of the complication of sorting through this subject is that so many people have latched on to it to support there own individual agendas. Problems arise from the fact that lists like the one above are 'scrubbed' of any reference to the children's energies and intuitive abilities, because the authors are trying to reach a broader audience outside the New Age community, particularly the parents of ADD and ADHD children, in order to offer them alternative options (besides Ritalin, that is.) That is a worthy goal, but without some of the psycho-spiritual descriptions of what defines an Indigo child, there often doesn't seem to be enough details to assess the trends claimed.

These details do emerge in the more energy-oriented descriptions of Indigo children. The term 'Indigo' came from an intuitive who attempted to classify human energy systems according to the colors of their auras in the 1980s. She observed that many of the children being born at that time had a kind of energy pattern that she had not seen before. Over time, she (and other intuitives) saw more and more of these children being born, until it hit the current levels, where most children born are believed to be Indigos. Many claim this generation has a warrior-like spirit that is unique. As intuitive Doreen Virtue puts it in her book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children, "It's almost like they are in boot camp being prepared for combat."

While many people are uncomfortable with certain aspects of this theory, and especially with the expectations being placed on these children, it is gaining greater credence in the mainstream because of the solutions put forth by its proponents - that our schools need to be overhauled to deal with today's children, that drugging our kids is NOT an answer, and that today's children need to be properly prepared for the world, and problems, they are going to inherit.

Read the book, "All About Indigo Children"

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Difference Between Indigo Children, Adults and Lightworkers

Indigo Children / Adults have much to do with lightworkers, and sometimes they may seem even the same thing. In this article I will show you what these two groups of extremely special people really are and what the difference is between them.

What is an Indigo Child or Adult? Indigo Children and Adults are special souls that incarnate here from other planets or dimensions. They are in this world, but they are not of it. There is a marked difference in their level of vibration to the vibrations of normal Earth souls. Contrary to what many people are saying nowadays, I believe indigos to make up no more than 0.1% of the world's population, possibly less.

Lightworkers are souls who decide to dedicate themselves to raising this world up in vibration. They are not solely indigo children and adults, though they often are. A high level of vibration is needed to sincerely desire to heal the Earth, at the very least an open heart which most Earth souls don't have. Some Earth souls, nevertheless, achieve a level of vibration equivalent to the indigo soul's vibration in the space of a single lifetime, and choose to take up a place in the healing of this Earth. The difference between those people and indigo children / adults is that indigo children / adults have a higher vibration at the soul level. Free will is a constant for all levels of vibration but when an indigo child / adult gets tied up in negative energies, they will tend to feel even more unhappy than a normal person, which will push them even stronger than a normal person to raise their vibration. On the other hand to reach a higher level of vibration an Earth soul may need to use a sustained effort which isn't necessary for an indigo child or adult. In this way indigo children / adults tend towards a different equilibrium, so to speak, and are much more likely to reach the vibration at which they can feel a strong desire to help out the Earth in its plight.

Learn all about Indigo Children